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What is Moon Sighting Dubious Status?

Research in astronomy has described different reasons for Moon's sight on a shorter dvij. One is the celestial reason. The time when there is a short span between the beginning of the hour of dvij and the Sunset and Moon sighting is established in the calendar on the same date Sun rays are unable to move away from the Moon and sighting of the Moon does not take place that day. Another reason is terrestrial. Pondering over serious arguments of physics, it has been proved that Sunlight remains on the earth even after Sunset. Had it not been so one can know by giving a little thought that after the Sunset midnight like darkness covers the entire world same as a house suddenly drowns in darkness when the lamp is put off. Since the Sun is at a distance of 9,00,00,000 miles from the earth the speed of its light has been maintaining a fixed duration of its travel. Same as the Sunlight does not fall on the ground for the same time after Sunrise its light remains. Now this much needs to be understood that in winter dust particles excessively scatter and rise to the sky. When it is Sunset and only its light remains that light leaves a reflection on those particles. The brightness of light added to that of the particles doubly increases the brighter area. The Sunlight, thus remaining after Sunset is more in summer than in winter and rainy season. That’s why Moon is not sighted

Despite its record in most of the calendars because Sunlight remains even after the Sunset and particles retain brilliance Sunlight fades out by the time the Moon also disappears till the brightness particle fades out.

Clearer Position on Sighting of the Moon: The reasons described above pertained to the dubiousness of sighting the Moon. Sighting of the Moon in one city is dubious while in another it is clear because celestial resolution appears in two ways. One of them causes day and night while the other makes every planet complete its journey from one celestial house to another. Hence the Moon also completes its journey from one celestial house to another at a speed greater than all planets.

Dr. A. Shanker

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